Katana blades of
Katana blades of

katana blades of

Masamune – This is one of the most famous katana names, named after the legendary swordsmith Goro Nyudo Masamune.


Katana Name & Fantasy Weapon Name Generator.Overall, katana names are carefully chosen to convey the sword’s history, power, and cultural significance.

katana blades of

For example, the name “Shinogi-Zukuri” refers to the ridge line on the blade, which is said to represent the spine of a dragon, a powerful and revered creature in Japanese mythology.

  • Use religious or spiritual references: Katana names sometimes use religious or spiritual references.
  • For example, the name “Kogarasu Maru” means “Little Crow,” which references the legend of Minamoto no Yorimitsu, a famous samurai who was said to have fought and defeated a demon disguised as a crow.
  • Reference historical events or figures: Some katana names reference historical events or figures.
  • For example, the name “Heshikiri Hasebe” means “chop the willow leaves,” which is a metaphor for cutting through enemies with ease.
  • Utilize poetic language: Many katana names utilize poetic language, such as metaphors and similes.
  • For example, the name “Masamune” means “correctness” and “truth,” which implies a strong and powerful weapon.
  • Evoke a sense of power or strength: Katana names often evoke a sense of power or strength.
  • For example, the name “Bizen Osafune Nagamitsu” indicates that the sword was made in the Bizen Osafune area of Japan and by the swordsmith Nagamitsu.
  • Reflect the sword’s history or origin: Many katana names reflect the sword’s history or origin.
  • Katana names, also known as Japanese sword names, typically have the following characteristics:

    Katana blades of